Bike Away: Maps of the Toronto Bikeway Network

1. Introduction Open data is a collection of information released by governments and municipalities that is both legally, technically and readily available for public use. It is an assemblage of data sets that are not constrained by the legalities of copyright or patent laws; as such they can be republished and re-used. Open data is […]

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Surveillance: The Cash Cow

Internet surveillance and the diminishing of privacy are made apparent by the rise of Internet usage monitoring by major corporations, which aim to categorize and commodify our behavior and online surfing habits. These issues are an integral part of current society as we are the consumer generation and the Internet represents our freedom. However, what […]

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Character Abilities and Sense of Realism: Second Life vs. World of Warcraft

         “Character abilities are a vast assemblage of skills and sets of actions that direct and/or mediate a character/avatar’s abilities within a virtual environment or game. They are a set of subjective skills that are defined by, designed for and natural to each specific game and virtual environment. In World of Warcraft, […]

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