RE-KINDLE: the Conversation Starter

Being university students, we participate in a never ending cycle of socializing. Whether it is with friends or family, we are always looking for ways to stay in touch. But what happens when the conversation fizzles out? Taking this challenge as our design pain, we proposed the conceptual design for an mobile application called “Re-Kindle,” a tool which would help people to maintain more consistent interactions through a prompting system. These prompts would consist of the beginning of a sentence with an implied topic, targeted to a specific friend. For example,  “To Bob: The best movie I saw this week was …” The user would then proceed to finish the sentence with as much or little detail as they want. These prompts would aim to alleviate the possible lull or lack of ideas when attempting to stir conversation with friends or family overseas. The application would support customization for the prompting features, such as the frequency of prompts, and types of prompt topics.

The following are the high-fidelity prototype for the application interface:

Rekindle_High_Fidelity_Prototype1 Rekindle_High_Fidelity_Prototype2 Rekindle_High_Fidelity_Prototype3 Rekindle_High_Fidelity_Prototype4 Rekindle_High_Fidelity_Prototype5 Rekindle_High_Fidelity_Prototype6